"Jugaads to Innovation"
- India needs to move beyond "Local Jugaads"...
Source: Newsflicks and Economictimes
- India needs to move beyond "Local Jugaads"...
Source: Newsflicks and Economictimes
Jugaad is a colloquial Hindi or Punjabi word that can mean an innovative fix or s simple work-around, used for solutions that bend rules or a resource that can be used as such, or a person who can solve a complicated issue.
U can get some idea about Jugaads from the video linked here:
(u can view these kinds of video in youtube by typing " Indian Jugaads"
Now let us talk about Innovation in India
Innovation is firmly recognized as a central driver for economic growth and development. Global Innovation Index aims to capture the multi-dimensional facets of innovation and provide the tools that can assist in tailoring policies to promote long-term output growth, improved productivity and job growth. GII is calculated based on the average of the 2 sub-indices.
Input Sub-index:
- Institutions
- Human capital and research
- Infrastructure
- Market sophistication
- Business sophistication
Output sub-index:
- Knowledge and technological output
- Creative output
- and GII includes indicators that go beyond the traditional measures of innovation such as the level of research and development.
"India's ranking has slipped further to 81/141 in the list, compared to 76 in 2014, but it remained at the top of the regional ranking of central and Southern Asia".
Top 10 Innovative countries:
Source: globalinnovationindex.org
Causes for low ranking:
- Low investment in R & D
- No Indian university in top 100
- No awareness about research and innovation
- People are ready to use outsider's innovations
- Low Patents :(
Observation from the GII report:
The index shows the new ways through which emerging-economy policy makers can boost innovation and spur growth by building on local strengths and ensuring the development of a sound national innovation environment.
Finally, GDP has to be improved by encouraging innovations, patents and investments in the R&D field for the smooth economy drive and it is the right time to move beyond jugaads. Hope the upcoming Start-up India will boost our Indian economy :)
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